Deductions Analysis App provides you the analysis of your quality of grains supplied to the different industries according to their slabs. You can easily feed slabs/quality deductions conditions into the app and analyse the quality deductions.
No need of Email IDs or Passwords , just register one time with your Mobile Number and you are easy to go.
Feed conditions / slabs . Save it for future use . You can easily Save / Delete / Update your conditions / slabs. ( You can easily feed slabs by Easy Input Template Feature . You can find some of the templates of some major industries we deal with on our website or through our different communication channels. Or you can also make your own in the prescribed sample format. It can also be shared by long clicking on the saved conditions )
( Sample Template : ABC COMPANY/Moisture :10/1/12/2/13/2/15/ FM :2/1/4/1.5/5/1.5/10/ Damage :2/0.25/4/0.5/5/0.5/10/ Misc :10/0/12/0/15/0/18 )
Generate report within seconds by selecting the slabs , and entering the quality parameters.
Some of the analysis parameters are given below :
~ Total Deductions in Kgs./Qtl
~ Total Deductions in Rs./Qtl
~ Effective Rate after Deductions
~ Total Deduction Amount
~ Quality Parameter wise Deductions
You can also share the generated report .
For more such stuffs or any kind of support or for making your Grains Business Deals easy, contact us. We use many such tools to make it possible. Value added services provided at zero cost.
This app is provided by Intelligence Team of Grains Brokerage entity " Saraf Canvassers ", from Nagpur . The most Techno-savvy Brokerage entity in the industry making your deals easy through technology.
You can contact us for removal of our branding and use yours (into the app) at Mobile : +91-8552929590, or Email ID : .
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